7th International Bacterial Wilt Symposium
19-24 March 2023
Montevideo, Uruguay
In view of the sanitary situation associated with the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) the Organizing Committee of the 7th International Bacterial Wilt Symposium was regrettably forced to postpone the 7th Symposium that was planned to take place in person in March 2020 in Montevideo. While we continue to monitor the development of the pandemic, we feel confident that thanks to the vaccination schemes and sanitary measures, we are in a position to communicate the new dates of an in person congress.
It is with great excitement that we announce that the Symposium will be held on 19-24 March, 2023 in Montevideo. We remain committed to monitor the sanitary situation worldwide and will continue to keep you informed.
We are pleased to invite authors to submit abstracts via the congress website, the submission date opens on 1 September, 2022. Authors who had previously submitted abstracts are kindly requested to submit them again. In this regard, we also request registered participants to register again via the website; registration is open!
In any case, the Congress Secretariat will be in contact via email with all authors who had previously submitted abstracts and with registered participants.
We look forward to a successful in person congress next March 2023 and to reconnecting with you!
Please stay in touch through the website and newsletters or contact us at 7IBWS2023@fatum.com.uy
With sincere good wishes,
The Organizing Committee
We thank all participants for contributing to such a successful symposium. We hope to meet you again in the next edition!

New Opening Special Session - “Insights and teachings from diverse plant-pathogenic bacteria”.
Guest speakers:

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Name |
Affiliation |
Title of conference |
Alberto Macho |
Shangai Center for Plant Stress Biology |
Deciphering the activities of Ralstonia solanacearum type III effectors: beyond activation and suppression
of immunity |
Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi |
Purdue University |
Getting to the root of resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato |
Caitilyn Allen |
University of Wisconsin |
The special case of Race 3 biovar 2: Why is Ralstonia solanacearum IIB-1 so effective? |
Francisco Vilaró |
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República |
“Breeding for potato bacterial wilt resistance in Uruguay” |
Gilles Cellier |
Anses, Plant Health Laboratory |
The Ralstonia solanacearum species complex in the age of epidemiology: exploration of its molecular diversity and population structure |
Kalpana Sharma |
International Potato Center |
Ralstonia solanacearum species complex strains causing bacterial wilt of potato in sub-saharan Africa: an
impending socio-economic disaster |
Kenji Kai |
Osaka Metropolitan University |
The Phc quorum sensing system in RSSC: specificity in signal production and response, regulation of secondary metabolism, and chemical control |
Kornelia Smalla |
Julius Kühn-Institut |
Potential role of rhizosphere microbiome modulation in controlling Ralstonia solanacearum caused bacterial
wilt |
Marc Valls |
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics - University of Barcelona |
Restriction of Ralstonia solanacearum colonization in tomato resistant to bacterial wilt |
Marco Dalla Rizza |
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria |
Experience of using the EFR receptor in potato genotypes to increase resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum
Mauricio Rossato |
Universidade de Brasília |
Recent advances in the selection of potato clones resistant to bacterial wilt in Brazil |
Seon-Woo Lee |
Dong-A University |
Bacterial wilt resistance and root microbiome in tomato |
Stephane Genin |
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment |
Host adaptation and pathogenesis of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: mechanisms and evolution |
Ville-Petri Friman |
University of York |
Ecology and evolution of phage-bacteria interactions in the rhizosphere: consequences for microbiome
functioning and control of plant disease outbreaks |
Yasufumi Hikichi |
Kochi University |
Contribution of the quorum sensing to infection in tomato roots and virulence in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum strain OE1-1 |
VISA requirements to enter Uruguay
Please check the Uruguayan Immigration website here to establish if you need a visa to enter Uruguay. Countries that indicate No necesita visa do not require visa to enter the country. Countries that indicate Necesita visa require visa to enter Uruguay.
If you need a visa to enter Uruguay please contact the Uruguayan consulate in the country you reside. Here is a complete list of consulates, you must click on “Directorio de Oficinas consulares” and enter the country of residence to find the contact details of the consulate. The consulate will ask you to show your valid passport along with you return flight ticket and hotel booking. You will also be asked to present a letter of invitation. Please contact us at 7IBWS2023@fatum.com.uy informing us that you will require a letter and please attach a scanned copy of your passport, we will be happy to issue an invitation letter for you. We will also contact the Immigration office in Uruguay to accelerate the process.
Twitter @7ibws2023